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费城- - - - - - 伊莎贝拉凯西 had plenty of time to not think about it.

周五晚上,在宾夕法尼亚大学的第四节比赛中,喇叭吹响了一次犯规,让这位vwin德赢娱乐的大四学生有机会打破平局. 在这里, 官员们, the scorer’s table 和 coaches were trying to figure everything else out, 和 all Casey was trying not to think about were those free throws.

凯西投进了两球中的一球,这足以让GA以63-62战胜贵格会, 自2019- 2020赛季以来,爱国者队首次获得至少一部分洲际联赛冠军.

“I was trying to not think anything, just let go,凯西说。. “My teammates were all so supportive, they kept coming up like ‘你得到了这个, 你得到了这个,’ but I was just trying not to think about anything. When I over-think, that’s when I’d miss.”

在这场激烈的反反复复的比赛中,唯一的瑕疵出现在宾夕法尼亚大学大学以62比62扳平比分之后. 在电脑的 Marleigh杰克逊 两罚全中6分.剩下8个打平, vwin德赢娱乐(vwin德赢娱乐)的一名宾夕法尼亚大学特许学校(Penn Charter)球员站在计分台前,将球界内. 

As the table tried to get the official’s attention, the clock did not automatically start once the ball was put in play. The foul that sent Casey to the line was scored just before the horn sounded, 官员们 conferring 和 ultimately putting 0.5 back on the clock before she took the free throws.

这是目前vwin德赢娱乐名单上的球员第一次获得Inter-Ac冠军, 联盟在2020-21赛季没有冠军,宾夕法尼亚大学宪章队赢得了最近两次冠军. Friday also didn’t totally wrap it up, GA将于周一前往巴黎圣母院,爱尔兰人的胜利不仅会让他们分享冠军头衔, but also invite PC back into the fold for a three-way split.

For the team’s three starting seniors - Casey, 山姆韦德 和 杰斯Aponik - garnering part of a league title was a quest fulfilled. 他们知道在他们之前的所有vwin德赢娱乐的球队在他们的时代至少获得过一个Inter-Ac冠军,他们不想成为一个没有自己的冠军就离开项目的班级的一员.

“It was really big, especially because we’re seniors now,” Wade said. “我认为人们在怀疑我们. This is our last one together, we had to go out 和 win it.”

For Aponik 和 her twin sister Jenna, the first player off the bench all year, there was no masking what Friday’s clash really was.

“This was a championship game for us,” Aponik said. “我们知道我们必须完成它.”

For most of the night Friday, the Patriots couldn’t get out of their own way. GA失误20次, 第四节罚丢了7个罚球,在距离篮筐90英尺的地方抢到6个篮板时犯规.8 seconds left that allowed PC to tie it 62-62.

其中一部分是爱国者队的,另一部分是佩恩特许大学的辩护费. 贵格会教徒到处都是, 至少看起来是这样, keeping GA out of its offensive sets, 在大量的传球中获得传球或偏转,并在此之后偷取了相当多的传球.

While it was something vwin德赢娱乐 prepared for, it was still extremely difficult to play against.

“We knew they were going to go on runs, they’re a great team with two of the best players around,凯西说。. “当我们开始扔掉它或他们去跑步时,我们仍然互相支持. 我觉得我们在每次暂停或暂停时都非常支持对方, we kept saying to each other that we got this.”

GA似乎在第二节中段发现了问题,当时一对 杰斯Kolecki free throws spotted the visitors a 21-13 lead. 相反,宾夕法尼亚大学宪章队在半场结束时打出了一波12:2的攻势,并以25-23领先到中场休息.

Kolecki和 加贝Bowes, the two juniors in the starting lineup, have been as much a part of this core as the seniors for the past three years. 他们一起经历了这一切, so it seemed fitting the five starters all had at least 10 points on Friday.

“The way we work, we knew we were going to get it,” Wade said.

GA 和 PC just traded scores 和 momentum plays the entire second half. Bowes or Wade would hit a shot 和 Quakers junior Kaylinn Bethea would come right back with an answer. 凯西会得分和电脑 瑞恩•卡特 would do something incredible to keep the Quakers in it.

贝西娅得了19分, 她的职业生涯积分只有999分, 加5个篮板, 两次助攻, 3次封盖和3次抢断. 卡特得到全场最高的20分, 大一新生加了六块板, 三次助攻, 两个盖帽和两个抢断,同时让比她大三岁的GA球员惊叹她的未来会是什么样子.

“Ryan, I couldn’t guard her,凯西说。. “She’s huge, she’s quick, she just finds ways to get her shot off.


GA led by seven at 52-45 with 3:22 left. 然后, 卡特的得分, 杰克逊接球后抢断,找到贝西娅投中三分,很快将比分缩小到两分.

After the Patriots pushed it back to six on three by Bowes that hit the iron, caromed straight up into the air 和 fell through, 宾大宪章公司再次回应. Even with an 11-game win streak snapped, Quakers coach 乔·马奎尔 gave his players plenty of credit for not giving up in the final minutes.

“I wish we had that sense of urgency a little bit earlier, but Marleigh杰克逊 hitting those foul shots, 米娅DiBenedetto为首 didn’t hit a shot then hits a big three at the end, the girls kept fighting 和 fighting,马奎尔说. “我们想以强势结束比赛,进入PAISAA锦标赛,看看我们能做些什么. The more we get to play together, the better.

“That’s our first loss in over a month, all we want to do is keep playing 和 extend the season as long as possible.”

马奎尔还赞扬了为比赛提供背景的座无虚席的人群. 双方都有很多粉丝, 每场比赛都会引起某种反应,而宾夕法尼亚大学特许学校的教练认为最重要的是,坐在座位上的任何年轻女孩都能看到两支球队的高水平球员竭尽全力争取冠军.

It wasn’t lost on the Patriots either.

“The crowd, we never get this,” Wade said. “That was the craziest game of our lives, I think.”

“说实话,我们可能不会再在这样的氛围中打球了,”凯西说. Casey hadn’t had the best fourth quarter of her life. 这位大四学生7投1中,在最后一次冲到罚球线前8投4中, but as much as she was trying not to think about those upcoming free throws, her teammates couldn’t think of anyone else they wanted taking them.

“She never misses foul shots,” Wade said.

“Well, I missed some today,” Casey replied.


GA coach Lauren Power had the same thought. 爱国者队的第一年教练, 去年春天从巴黎圣母院来到这里后,她也第一次分享了Inter-Ac的冠军头衔, 在比赛的大部分时间里,她都在努力让她的球队保持冷静,不要在自己犯的错误中走神,也不要被宾夕法尼亚大学的防守所逼.


“我就知道, I looked at her 和 said ‘你得到了这个,’ all her teammates went up 和 said the same thing,鲍尔说. “She looked at me 和 I could tell she was going to make it.”

Casey made the first without a doubt. 她错过了第二个, 不是故意, 但当她的队友们围着她在球场上庆祝时,她并没有考虑到这一点.

“I’ll always remember that game,” Aponik said.

GA: 11 | 12 | 20 | 20 || 63
PC: 10 | 15 | 17 | 20 || 62


PC:瑞安·卡特, 凯琳·贝西娅, 阿什利·约翰逊7, 玛丽·杰克逊, 丽芙·维埃里亚, 莱拉·夏普4, 米娅·迪·贝内代托